Rural communities overcome the impacts of climate change by adopting integrated landscape development strategies that contribute to their livelihood and income security.
To develop and demonstrate sustainable, climate-resilient, integrated landscape development approaches that educate and empower rural communities, securing their lives and livelihoods.

Our Approach

We work towards strengthening the institutions that manage natural resources at the landscape, habitation and panchayat levels and make them self-reliant.
Land Scapes
We work in various ecosystems and landscapes and promote locally led landscape development practices that are ecologically feasible, economically viable, socially just, and climate-resilient.
Eco-Friendly Interventions
We aim to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by encouraging eco-friendly interventions and providing them access to markets while improving food security and nutrition.
​Water Security
We improve food security in rural areas while sustaining water resources. We promote participatory water management approaches and in-situ soil moisture conservation measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change effects while building resilience to water-related disasters and disruptions.
We develop partnerships between farming communities, government organizations, academia, and civil society to envision, develop, and implement efficient Integrated landscape development projects that judiciously conserve and utilize natural resources and improve the communities' livelihood security.
Wildlife Conservation
We enhance wildlife conservation efforts and protect endangered species by safeguarding their critical habitats through fostering collaboration and establishing institutional governance mechanisms.
Health and Hygiene Education
We provide quality health services to vulnerable populations through awareness, prevention, and treatment of diseases like HIV / AIDS, TB, and Hepatitis B-C, which drives change to equitable health systems and Hygiene education.

What we have Achieved?

• Facilitated 20 Watershed projects and treated 24,300 ha of area.
• Initiated Climate Smart Agriculture in 50 villages involving 3500 farmers and covering 1800 ha.
• Grounded 3100 Livelihood units, covering 35 villages and 2980 families.
• Implemented social regulations and crop water budgeting to manage groundwater in 8 villages covering 1542 families.
• Set up Safe drinking water facilities in 18 villages benefitting 921 families.
• ​Planted 6,90,000 trees covering 1258 ha of common land and 464 ha of private land for Ecological Restoration and Agro Forestry development.
• Facilitated Community Managed Seed System in 3 mandals and distributed 8300 quintals of groundnut seed.
• Established 21 Village level Institutions in 21 panchayats.
• Trained 3500 women and grounded 1642 livelihood units.
• Endangered species were protected in 2010 hectares of forest landscape, covering six panchayats.
• Formed two Famer Producer Organizations (FPOs) with 660 members. The members have mobilized a share capital of Rs 6,60,000.
• Under HIV AIDS project, identified and treated 3,812 HIV affected high risk people in 18 mandals.
• Motivated and vaccinated 98.44% of the population in Tanakallu mandal during COVID-19 Intensive Vaccination.

We respect the values, cultures, and perspectives of the communities who need our support and we preserve their dignity.
We always strive to be transparent and truthful.
Our Core Values

We ensure that all individuals are provided with equal opportunities within the social sphere.
We build collaborative relationships by
networking with other individuals and
organizations who have similar objectives.
We ensure a society with sustainable environment and
Funding Partners